Susie, an absolutely stunning, 7-8 lb., 3 year old, probably pure bred, Yorkie is a really sweet girl. She is nice with other dogs, is in love with her people, and is simply delighted to be with you anywhere you go.
Adopted on: June 3, 2014
Susie, an absolutely stunning, 7-8 lb., 3 year old, probably pure bred, Yorkie is a really sweet girl. She is nice with other dogs, is in love with her people, and is simply delighted to be with you anywhere you go.
P.O. Box 215
Bedford Hills, New York 10507
A New Chance Animal Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a New York State Registered Rescue (RR270).
Our mission is to rescue abandoned and unwanted animals and provide food and general care for them, ultimately placing each in a loving and safe permanent home.