Pumpkin, an 8 week old born to a Ducktoller mother, one of 15, is quite the charmer. He is not afraid, is confident, and obedient. This guy seems to always respond to what you are saying to him.
Parker, an 8 week old boy, looks the most like his mama, a Ducktoller named Penny.
Phoenix, one of 15 puppies born to a Ducktoller Retriever 8 weeks ago, is an absolute stunner.
Palmer, born 10 weeks ago to a Ducktoller Retriever, is an absolutely adorable guy. He picks up his toys, engages the others of the litter, and gets them to play too.
Cudi, a 2-3 year old, 65 lb. Lab mix is an absolute doll. Fun, playful, cuddly, and curious he is just a happy guy.
Anna, a 6 month old Sheltie/Shepherd mix weighs about 35 lb. was brought to the shelter with her mama and her sister (Elsa). Anna and Elsa had collars embedded in their necks that had to be removed.
Buddy, an absolutely stunning 63lb., 1 year old Dalmation/Pyraneese mix, (though his breed is more affectionately known as ”… just mixed up the most handsome dog ever”) is about as good a boy as they come.
Poe, a beautiful, 10 month old, 50 lb., Flat Coated Retriever mix is a real gem.
Barley, a 2 year old, 30 lb. Terrier mix is an absolute love.
Hannah, a 25 lb., 5 month old Italian Greyhound/Pharaoh Hound mix is absolutely awesome. Found in the middle of the road on a cold night in the middle of nowhere, Hannah warms up to her people quickly.
Ozzie, a 50 lb., 7 month old Belgian Tervuren/Aussie mix, is a sweet gem of a boy.
Hope, a 45 lb., 8 month old, Carolina Dog mix is a dream of a girl. With ears that can’t decide which direction to go, one is going increasingly up and the other, increasingly down.
Olivia, a 55 lb., medium sized, 4 year old, female Belgian Tervuran mix is just about as sweet as they come.
Achilles, a 5 1/2 month old male Lab/Border Collie mix is a great combination of charm and smarts!
Flower, a 10 lb. 1 year old, Yorkie/Chihuahua mix is an amazing girl. With her beautiful caramel coat and ears that can’t decide where they want to land, Flower is a really special girl.
Rosie, a 100 lb., 2 year old, purebred English Mastiff is as true to her breed in being a gentle giant as they come.
Sade, a beautiful 4 year old, 35 lb., merle Aussie/Sheltie mix is a very cool, easy going sweetheart.
Maybelle is a very special girl indeed. A 12 lb., white Powder Puff, with gorgeous big dark eyes, she is just as sweet as they come.
Owen, not to be mistaken for an Ewok, is a stunning, very fuzzy, very soft, nine week old, male Aussie/Shepherd mix.
Orlando, about as handsome as they come, is a tan, soft, fuzzy, nine week old, male Aussie/Shepherd mix.