Hi all of you wonderful humans, my name is Luna! I’m a 45 lb. 2 year old Spaniel/Flat-Coated Retriever mix.
Duke is handsome 2-3 year old 50 lb chocolate lab mix with a beautiful rich brown coat and golden eyes.
Bella is a precious 6 month old Collie mix, and look-alike of the tv personality, Lassie, with beautiful coloring —butterscotch coat with white belly and “socks”.
Sweet little Stitch is a 12 week old, 20 lb boxer mix puppy who is just as cute and adorable as the beloved Disney character he is named after.
Waylon is a very chipper, sweet, gentle and affectionate 4 to 5 month old lab/Shepherd mix puppy.
MEET BARON the most beautiful 2 year old, German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois mix you’ll ever see.