Many only see value in puppies and are all too willing to discard the mothers. We often hear stories of puppies being rescued while their mothers are left behind to die, often full of milk because the pups they were nursing were torn away from them.
A New Chance Animal Rescue firmly believes that no mother dog or canine family member should ever be left behind. Our “No Moms Left Behind” Program is dedicated to rescuing mother dogs, whether they are pregnant, nursing, or have grown puppies.
Since they first became involved in rescue, our founders, a mother and a daughter themselves, have opened their home to canine families in need. And they have continued to be amazed by the bond between a mother dog and her puppies. Most of our mother dogs have faced adversity and remained dedicated to their puppies despite the odds being stacked against them. Some of our mothers are just puppies themselves – completely malnourished, full of parasites, and sometimes even inbred. At the other extreme, we have had mothers who have come to us in their later adult/senior years having been forced to pop out litter after litter. These mothers have never experienced being on the receiving end of loving devotion.
With your help, we can continue to rescue these deserving mommas and their families. Please consider becoming a sponsor to one of our newly arrived mothers to help them get a new chance at a good life. Contact Sophia Silverman at for more information.