We do not know where poor Grover, a severely malnourished 53 lb. black Lab mix, was before being picked up as a stray by Animal Control in rural South Carolina. We do know that this guy spent his entire time at the shelter barking to be released from his kennel. We quickly recognized that this boy of mere skin and bones had multiple rotten teeth and pus pockets lining his gums, suffering from pain and deprivation.
A New Chance Animal Rescue didn’t need to know the details but did need to provide proper vet care even though it was very expensive. It was shocking that such a young dog would need so much dental surgery that resulted in 5 extracted teeth and extensive cleaning up of the rest of his mouth. This, of course, made him feel a lot better.
Happily, the ensuing expenditures for 30 lb. of dog food every 10 days that resulted in 25 lbs. of desperately needed weight gain may have been financially hard but were truly life-changing. Watching Grover rebound and transform into a really sweet guy without pain and starvation and with a completely beautiful coat was sublimely delightful.