Alvin, a 5 month old, 26 lb. Basenji/Shepherd mix is absolutely adorable. This pup, who likes to snuggle and be close with his people, is both affectionate and playful.
Adopted on: March 12, 2015
Alvin, a 5 month old, 26 lb. Basenji/Shepherd mix is absolutely adorable. This pup, who likes to snuggle and be close with his people, is both affectionate and playful.
P.O. Box 215
Bedford Hills, New York 10507
A New Chance Animal Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a New York State Registered Rescue (RR270).
Our mission is to rescue abandoned and unwanted animals and provide food and general care for them, ultimately placing each in a loving and safe permanent home.